Hybrid apps (Hybrid App) has culminated in the form of a native app, distributed through the App Store, but you can configure the main screen is called the combined product as a mobile web browser that is based on the Application.

Because you can configure the screen on the server is less pressure on you to deploy a mobile web difficult to control device access control, can be implemented, such as local storage access push notification with all the benefits of mobile web and mobile apps.
For existing app (Native App), while the non-real-time updates (for reference, the iPhone, a week need more review time) in the case of hybrid app overall data to exist on the web, the web and the same real-time updates There are possible advantages, is very efficient in operational terms to enable knowledge management just for the web.

The emergence of hybrid forward to many more apps and mobile web apps market is expected to be. Web + Mobile Web only bridge we will build support simultaneous apps (hybrid)